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Personal Training

Personal Training

Here you will find a variety of price ranges corresponding to different commitment levels as well as the opportunity to learn and work closely with our knowledgeable and passionate xelf exercise coaches. Working with our personal trainers will improve your body composition, strength, movement ability, core stability & posture. Let’s customize an active life that you enjoy with functional strength training as your Foundation.
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Massage & FST

Massage & FST

Living an active life is much more enjoyable and sustainable when we feel good moving. By lessening your internal resistance and tension, you are capable of taking of greater external resistance. This enables you to move about feeling lighter, more efficient, and grants your body the ability to recover faster in between workouts.We currently offer traditional massage therapy, fascial stretch therapy (FST) & thai massage sessions.
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Life Coaching

Life Coaching

Exercise & personal training are certainly major components of living a high quality of life. In fact, most of the results obtained from an exercise program are the direct result of an individual’s choices and time management skills outside the personal fitness studio. Understanding one’s values and where exercise fits in to their schedule is a critical deciding factor to whether or not someone lives an active life that they enjoy.
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Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition Coaching

Great nutrition gives you the mental and physical energy to WANT TO exercise consistently. Xelf holds nutrition in high regard as an essential factor to living an active life that you enjoy.  We offer nutrition coaching in various forms to suit your current needs, including 1 on 1 consulting, small group programs, nutrition lectures, reading material and even in-home cooking lessons.
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Welcome to xelf!

Founded and incorporated in 2005, Xelf has remained true to its vision of empowering people to live an active life that they enjoy. Xelf is the word ‘Flex’ spelt backwards because the only lasting results come from within. As exercise coaches, we aim to not only provide our members with temporary motivation, but also to create internal motivation and independence within them. Xelf has recently moved to a new beautiful location on 1 West Ave S as of January 2015.

Mission Statement:

“We exist to empower people to live and love exercise by creating and supporting them in living an active life that they enjoy.”


We endeavour to be a unique, highly impactful private fitness studio, where quality trumps quantity.


EMPOWERMENT – we exist to empower people to love their lives more using exercise as a vehicle

STRENGTH & MOVEMENT ABILITY – required to live an active life long term

EXERCISE AS PLAY – exercise should help you love your life more – use it to seek joy

AUTHENTICITY – we build powerful relationships by being realistic with goal setting & expectations

LEADERSHIP – we model living an active life that can be enjoyed

COACHABILITY – Our coaches coach and have coaches. Xelf is a humble place to be

INDIVIDUALITY – A system of choice and variety within structure that enables you to express yourself and yet stay on track with an exercise regime

Contact Us Today

"xelf is motivating and rewarding. It develops self confidence and makes exercising fun and enjoyable rather than work."

Jen Gain

"This business adapts the gym with my work life. Now I see the gym like a friend and not another boring obligation."

Sebastien Gauthier

"I have more energy throughout the day, especially in the evening. I highly recommend this program. I feel fantastic thanks to you and your super fantastic exercise program. I feel strong and like a super woman. Yeehaw!!! Thanks xelf for everything!"

Earla Kwok