Ever put off a lighting project because to start with you have the daunting task of assessing exactly what you currently have in order to scope out a potential solution?
Take that task off your plate and let a senior EcoLight LED associate view your existing sites and provide a complete lighting audit.
This involves:
- Taking inventory of all your existing lighting
- Customizing and recommending an LED lighting solution that fits your needs
- Providing the installation costs
- Acquiring the incentives to be applied
- Outlining your Return on Investment (ROI)
- Providing final project costs
When you move from fluorescent lighting to LED lighting you’ll take the energy price problem out of the equation before it becomes an even bigger problem. The earlier you switch to EcoLight LEDs, the faster your ROI.
Contact us if you would like to learn more about our Energy Audits and how our LED Lighting Solutions can help you significantly contribute to your company’s bottom line.